First off, I had an amazing time with everyone who attended the 9D Letting Go Breathwork sessions and the ½ Year Review. Powerful stuff happening on all the sessions and yay you for showing up for yourselves!
Next up, the Remote Healing Open House is taking place tomorrow, June 26 and there’s still plenty of room (what with it being a virtual house with no walls or space constraints!).
If you’d like to join us to cultivate deep peace, optimal health, and to release karma so that you can find even more freedom and clarity, please join us. There's no cost; it's a gift to celebrate all the good things like the Solstice last week, the full moon, the end of the school year and anything else that comes to mind.
all the details for the Open House are at this link
Moving along to today’s topic… miraculous healings! I had one this past week which got me to thinking about a similar event a year and a half ago which got me to thinking about...
Thank you for all the kind words and messages about Zoe’s book and Oakley’s music. It’s always nice to hear from you!
Today, I want to let you know about the upcoming Letting Go and Moving On 9D Breathwork Journeys coming up later this month and then share with you my crazy experience from when I did the process.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that it can be challenging to let things go. You can be very clear in your mind that it’s time to release something and yet… there it is again!!! What the heck?
And that’s only the things you’re aware of. What about what’s going under the surface in your subconscious? There’s plenty to let go of in there but it’s not always clear what’s hiding and what’s ready to leave.
This past Friday was quite a day for my kids.
My son, Oakley, released his debut album Auburn.
My daughter, Zoe, received a box filled with the hardcover copies of her first novel.
I’ve been sharing the great news while I’ve been out and about and people are asking me over and over, “How did you get your kids to do that?”
Maybe you’re wondering the same thing, so I thought some reflections and a little peek behind the scenes of these accomplishments would be interesting and/or helpful.
The Setup
First off, Paul and I have always valued creativity in our home. When the kids were little, we purposefully avoided battery-operated gadgets and opted for piles of books instead. Even though Zoe and Oakley had many toys (they just seemed to multiply overnight!), they preferred to play with things like bubble wrap and boxes.
We always had music from all over the world playing and encouraged dancing, singing and make-believe.
One time, a little friend of...
First off, a big cheer for everyone who attended the 9D Abundance Breathwork session this past Sunday. I’ve heard great feedback like:
“I felt so grounded and grateful.”
“I’ve done breathwork before and have always felt anxious. The guidance and coaching throughout this session, along with the beautiful music, made me feel much more calm and safe.”
“I’ve been feeling a level of happiness and joy that I’ve never experienced before.”
We’ve got another Abundance Breathwork session coming up this Wednesday and then we’ll move to a new topic for June. If you’d like to do the Wednesday session, all the info is here:
And now, onto the Great Tax Fiasco of 2024.
In the Beginning
Once upon a time, I made so little money in my business that I paid no taxes. That was simultaneously fun/not fun.
There were a number of times when I wanted to quit, but I...
Exciting news!
I got a new certification recently and I think you’ll be verrrrrry interested.
A few months ago, I was doing a talk at the Red Deer Teachers convention and one of my participants told me about a fantastic breathwork class she had been to that helps amplify abundance.
Within a few weeks of doing the process, she said, she received several unexpected cheques. (Three cheers for unexpected cheques, right?!?)
I was curious and very interested in this 9D Breathwork she spoke of and so I checked out the website.
A short while later, I signed up to become certified. My intuition just wouldn’t let it go.
I’ve done all sorts of breathwork journeys and processes over the years so I already knew how powerful it is.
I put a lot of faith in 9D because I hadn’t actually done any of their journeys yet, but from what I saw, read and heard in my research, it all felt exactly right.
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to do the first...
Thank you to everyone who took the self-care quiz (or quizzes). In case you missed out, click on one of the links below to take the quiz of your choice to see how you’re doing with your self-care in that area.
Click here to take the Physical Self-Care Quiz
Click here to take the Emotional Self-Care Quiz
Click here to take the Mental Self-Care Quiz
Click here to take the Spiritual Self-Care Quiz
Click here to take the Practical Self-Care Quiz
Now, on to today’s topic: are you judging your passions (and/or your dreams)?
I’ve had many interesting conversations with clients on this subject.
What often show up are doubts that one’s gifts/talents/interests are useful and worthy.
This very topic came up in our own home recently.
Our daughter, Zoe, who just turned 19, decided to go to Comic Con this year. The idea of dressing up in costumes and being among legions of others doing the same thing was very appealing to her.
One of the main things she did as...
Exciting news from Courageous Self-Care Central!
(Well, it’s probably more exciting for me than for you but I’m endeavouring to share my enthusiasm nonetheless.)
After many, many months of work on a behind-the scenes-project, the great news is that I’ve created a whole new set of Courageous Self-Care Quizzes for you.
It started off as the idea to change one of my website pages - the Offerings page - and to create a new self-care quiz. I thought it would be quick (hahaha - I bet you know how that goes…).
As it turned out, it was not quick at all. It led to a project that continued to grow the more I worked on it. Sound familiar?
I ended up making 6 new website pages, 5 new quizzes and corresponding email sequences for each one. Then I had the great idea to add teaching videos to the email sequences!
So that’s why I’m excited to be done. I’ve gained many hours back each week. Woohoo!
Here’s what I did. Initially, it was going to be one...
Greetings and great day to you!
Before we get into the fear thing, just a quick little reminder that the Inner Peace for Global Peace 4-week course begins today. You can attend live on zoom if you’re available or access the replays (for the rest of your life!) (whenever you need more inner peace!)
If you’re feeling stressed, worried, irritated, fearful - or find yourself overthinking, overtrying, overgiving, or overdoing - cultivating more inner peace will help with that.
More details are here. I’m looking forward to being your yoga/meditation/remote healing/mindful movement/dance guide.
And now: onto the ONLY reason fear ever shows up. (Apart from the run-for-your-life-kind-of-fear. It’s pretty evident why that shows up.)
I learned this fantastic and helpful truth about fear from my mentor, Dr Sue Morter. (See the Christina Recommends Section below for a free meditation she made.)
When fear shows up in regular, every day life, it’s great...
Is there a part of you that likes to secretly eavesdrop?
I certainly have one!
If you feel the same way, here's a provocative little conversation where you can be a fly on the wall:
Wise Human: Do you think global peace is possible?
Young Grasshopper (also a human - don’t let the title of grasshopper lead you astray): Mmmm…. Yes? I think so.
Wise Human: I see. I admire your optimism. Would you say you’re peaceful in all of your relationships?
Young Grasshopper: Ha ha ha! No - definitely not.
WH: Not even in your own family?
YG: Nope. Some of those relationships are the most challenging. There are people in my family who really push my buttons.
WH: If you don’t feel peaceful in your most intimate relationships, how could you ever hope for global peace?
YG: Good point.
WH: What about your relationship with yourself?
YG: What about it?
WH: Do you feel peaceful about yourself most of the time? Some of the time? Rarely? Do you feel relaxed and calm,...
With everything that’s going on in the world right now, I hear a lot of people saying that they wish they could do something.
Guess what? You can!
Even though it seems like some events are very far away and you can’t do much beyond making a donation here and there, energetically, you can do A LOT.
The interesting thing about energy is this: if you send out thoughts of worry, despair, fear, anger or anything similar, you’re actually contributing to more of the same.
There’s an ancient practice that’s part of the teaching of yoga (which doesn’t just happen on the mat) called Pradyahara. It means withdrawing of the senses.
When big things are happening in the outer world, if you join in at the same level of vibration (namely fear, anger, worry, etc), you energetically add to the challenges and obstacles.
Although it seems counterintuitive, if you withdraw your senses from the turmoil and go inward, you move into the energies...