A Self-Care (Halloween) Trick for You

Oct 17, 2023

The Preface: Halloween is not my favourite experience.

I love the original intention of Dia de los Muertes and All Hallow’s Eve. Honouring those who have passed is definitely cause for a sacred celebration and I would love to go to Mexico someday to take part in the occasion. 

The commercialized version that we have today though, leaves something to be desired, at least for me.

Dressing up in costumes? Totally fun. What’s not to love?

Buying, handing out and consuming insane amounts of sugar/candy? Personally, I don’t touch the stuff and yes, we’re those people who hand out mandarin oranges if anyone comes to our door because I just can’t condone all that candy.

We’re also those parents who got our kids to do the Halloween Candy Buy Back at our dentist. They could choose ten things to keep from their trick or treating spoils (which was still very painful for me and my no candy policy) and the rest got traded in for cash with which they could...

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Perspectives On My Dad’s Dementia Journey

Oct 10, 2023

This summer had a lot of highlights. Because of this thing called “being human”, it also had some challenges, one of which was helping to move my dad into a full-time care facility. Over the last many years, his mental faculties have been declining and it got to the point where it was too much for my mom to manage. She made the very difficult and courageous decision to seek help. 

The dementia experience is not the most fun thing I’ve ever encountered, but there have been several perspectives that have helped me see it more as a blessing than a problem. I thought it might be helpful if I shared those ideas with you. 

Perspective #1 Embrace What Is

One of the most valuable outlooks I’ve ever learned is to embrace what is. There’s no use fighting with reality, plus it takes a lot of extra effort to do so. 

A great deal of suffering comes from being attached to how we think things should have turned out. Of course I wish my dad would have a...

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I Was Wrong About Hate

Oct 03, 2023

In Grade 9, I decided that it was unacceptable to hate anyone or anything. (I was an unusual 13-year-old.)

Flash forward a few decades to this past weekend. I changed my mind. Here’s what happened. 

Let’s put some pieces together. 

Piece #1

In our little oasis of a backyard, there was a gorgeous tree that provided ample shade and privacy. It was the neighbours’ tree that hung over into our yard and I loved it.

Piece #2

We live in a quadruplex and one of the owners - the guy next to us - is a very angry and unhappy man. For the most part, we don’t have much to do with him. We were blessed that he was gone for many months until a couple of weeks ago. I knew he was back because I could hear him swearing loudly in his backyard, which is my most common experience of him.

He kind of manages the condo stuff, including hiring the snow shovelling people and the like.

Paul mentioned to him last week that it might be good to get some tree people in to cut off...

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Polar Opposites in the Canadian Rockies

Sep 26, 2023

Before the Rockies, one last friendly reminder that the 3/4 Year Review is coming up this Saturday - last chance to take a sacred pause, celebrate this year so far and get grounded and clear on how you intend for the last quarter to go. Details are below in the Christina Recommends section.

This summer, Paul, Oakley and I ventured into the wilds of Yoho National Park to one of our favourite campgrounds - Takakkaw Falls. We love this place for many reasons.

First off, it’s the perfect blend of backcountry and car camping. The campground is about a 1km walk from the parking lot and there are wheelbarrows to transport one’s belongings which means that it takes some effort to get there but not much. The campground itself is pretty remote - pit toilets and such but there is a solar-powered water filtering system and cook shelter with a wood-burning stove which makes it quite luxurious, as far as backcountry camping goes. 

The bottom part of the campground is near a rocky...

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Why the Barbie Movie Isn’t Feminist

Sep 19, 2023


Before we get to Barbie, a friendly reminder about a great way to experience the last 3 months with less stress and more purpose, focus and presence. I'm hosting the 3/4 Year Review at the end of the September. Please see the Christina Recommends section below for all the details and registration if you're interested. 

And now... Barbie + feminism?

When I watch a movie, I always like to look at it from a spiritual perspective. There are so many teachings from the divine embedded in popular movies and The Barbie Movie is no exception.

Let’s just start by saying that I loved this movie. I didn’t know what to expect and I was wowed. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a movie where people cheered and applauded during a scene. (If you’ve seen it, you can probably guess that the cheering came during America Ferrera’s rant on what it’s like to be a woman. I have goosebumps just from remembering it.) I didn’t cheer...

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Vision Quests, Grouse Medicine & the 3/4 Year Review

Sep 12, 2023

Hello and Good Day to you,

First off, thank you for all the kind words about the 7-part Spiritual Lessons Learned in 25 Years of Marriage Series that wrapped up last week. I must say that it’s really helped me up my game in my marriage because if I said I’m behaving a certain way, then I really must make sure that’s happening. What a win to have that new awareness!

Secondly, we've found ourselves approaching the last quarter of the year. Amazing, right? In honour of this momentous occasion, I'm hosting the 3/4 Year Review at the end of the September. Please see the Christina Recommends section below for all the details and registration. 

While I was writing the series, life kept happening and adventures were had. It took a lot of willpower to keep focused on the series and wait until now to share some of the life lessons and hilarity that showed up. I’m like a pressure cooker - I have to get the stories out. (She’s about to blow!)


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7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage: Part 7

Sep 05, 2023


Here we are at the final instalment of 7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage series: Support Yourself Support Each Other. Woohoo!

This series is being featured in Brainz Magazine so please click here to read today's article

If you missed the previous articles, you'll find them at the links below.

Part 6: Go with the Flow

Part 5: Strive to Feel Fully Alive

Part 4: The Many Faces of Love - Harmonizing the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Part 3: Cultivating and Embodying Your Personal Power

Part 2: Having a Growth Mindset

Part 1: Taking Full Responsibility

May you have a week filled with observation, fulfillment and curiosity.

With growing love and emblazoned courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>So excited to share about some recent adventures that I couldn't write about because of the 7 part series

>No longer addicted to chocolate - hooray!

I just finished a fantastic two-book...

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7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage: Part 6

Aug 29, 2023

Hello and welcome,

We're continuing on with the 7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage series and today, we've made it all the way to Part 6: Go With the Flow. 

This series is being featured in Brainz Magazine so please click here to read today's article

If you missed the previous articles, you'll find them at the links below.

Part 5: Strive to Feel Fully Alive

Part 4: The Many Faces of Love - Harmonizing the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Part 3: Cultivating and Embodying Your Personal Power

Part 2: Having a Growth Mindset

Part 1: Taking Full Responsibility

May you have a week filled with divine flow.

With timely courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Took my own advice and had a very enjoyable date with my beloved

>Recently inadvertently learned all about Grouse Medicine... stay tuned for that adventure in the next few weeks


Want to know how to feel invigorated, enlivened, satisfied,...

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7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage: Part 5

Aug 22, 2023


We're continuing on with the 7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage series and we've arrived at Part 5: Strive to Feel Fully Alive. 

This series is being featured in Brainz Magazine so please click here for this week's instalment

If you missed the previous articles, you'll find them at the links below.

Part 4: The Many Faces of Love - Harmonizing the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Part 3: Cultivating and Embodying Your Personal Power

Part 2: Having a Growth Mindset

Part 1: Taking Full Responsibility


May you have a week filled with aliveness and love in action. 

With adventurous love and enlivening courage, 


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Going to take my own advice and plan a super-fun date with Paul

>Raving fan of raspberries, especially right off the bush and warm from the sun


I’m very picky about the water I drink and consider it to be an essential...

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7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage: Part 4

Aug 15, 2023

Continuing on with the 7 Spiritual Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage series, we've arrived at Part 4: The Many Faces of Love. 

This series is being featured in Brainz Magazine so please click here for this week's instalment

If you missed the previous articles, you'll find them at the links below.

Part 3: Cultivating and Embodying Your Personal Power

Part 2: Having a Growth Mindset

Part 1: Taking Full Responsibility

With infinite love and growing courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Currently can’t get enough of Indian and Thai food. I’m loving this Massaman recipe.

> Known to remove spare eyebrows at red lights (which is probably against the rules but the light in the car is just so good!) 

I am super excited about a virtual event coming up towards the end of this month. It’s called The Power of the Vision Quest: Access Your Inner Wisdom & Find Your Life Path & Purpose. There’s a free webinar...

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