Take the new self-care quiz

May 07, 2024

Exciting news from Courageous Self-Care Central!

(Well, it’s probably more exciting for me than for you but I’m endeavouring to share my enthusiasm nonetheless.)

After many, many months of work on a behind-the scenes-project, the great news is that I’ve created a whole new set of Courageous Self-Care Quizzes for you.

It started off as the idea to change one of my website pages - the Offerings page - and to create a new self-care quiz. I thought it would be quick (hahaha - I bet you know how that goes…).

As it turned out, it was not quick at all. It led to a project that continued to grow the more I worked on it. Sound familiar?

I ended up making 6 new website pages, 5 new quizzes and corresponding email sequences for each one. Then I had the great idea to add teaching videos to the email sequences!

So that’s why I’m excited to be done. I’ve gained many hours back each week. Woohoo!

Here’s what I did. Initially, it was going to be one new quiz but when I really took a good look at self-care and how it expresses in our lives, it turned out that there are 5 kinds: 

Physical Self-Care

Emotional Self-Care

Mental Self-Care

Spiritual Self-Care

Practical Self-Care

The different types of self-care are so important that I decided they each needed their own quiz.

Six months later…

Ta-dah! All ready for you. 

Perhaps you’d like to take one of the new quizzes.

Here’s what to do:

Choose one of the options below and take the quiz. (I recommend just doing one quiz at a time so that you don’t get overwhelmed by the email series that will follow.)

There are two approaches. 

Either choose the area that interests you the most to see how you fare or choose the self-care topic that seems like the biggest struggle. 

Either way, you’ll learn some great tips on how to amplify that type of self-care in your life.

Even just the quizzes themselves will give you some helpful ideas on each type of self-care and how you can improve your experience in that particular area.

Here’s a bit of info about each quiz so you can make an informed choice.

Physical Self-Care

If you're looking for a better experience in your physical body, there are so many solutions that will make a significant difference. Discover how to increase your energy, vitality and life force even if you don't think you have time.

Click here to take the Physical Self-Care Quiz

Emotional Self-Care

Karma isn't an ethereal judicial system that keeps score through countless lifetimes; it's actually just unprocessed emotions. Learn how to masterfully move any stuck emotions through and embrace what is so you can be free in all areas of your life.  

Click here to take the Emotional Self-Care Quiz

Mental Self-Care

The mind wants to serve you and your soul but often it gets put in charge of everything (which doesn't work - if it did it would have worked by now). Learn how to use your mind in the best way possible rather than letting it run the show. 

Click here to take the Mental Self-Care Quiz

Spiritual Self-Care

The most important relationship you can cultivate is with Spirit. When that's your priority, everything else unfolds in your life with grace. Discover how to carve out time to connect with the divine, to experience inner stillness, and to be more present so that you can experience tangible results. 

Click here to take the Spiritual Self-Care Quiz

Practical Self-Care

If you know what to do and you just don't do it (hello overwhelm!), you'll benefit from learning how to implement practical self-care. Uncover what's holding you back and then build the habit of taking inspired action through the practice of soulful time management.

Click here to take the Practical Self-Care Quiz

Where will you start? Click the link for the self-care style you’d like to dive into first and take the quiz. 

And… if you want to check out my pretty (if I do say so myself) new streamlined Offerings page, you’ll find all the quizzes there, too, along with some other juicy tidbits for amplifying your self-care.

Happy quiz-taking!

With inquisitive love and curious courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Thrilled to be finished the 9-day cleanse. My liver is ecstatic and would be doing cartwheels of jubilation if it could.

>Joyfully filling up my new-found time with new certifications for monumentally effective and profound healing experiences so that I can better serve you in the very near future. Stay tuned!

I’m giving rave reviews to the symphony I got to see last week. It was a genius mash-up of Beethoven and Coldplay by the conductor/composer Steve Hackman. 

If this concert is going to be anywhere near you, run out and get tickets. (Or more likely, use your fingers and thumbs on your most convenient device.)

I was totally blown away by the whole idea. Steve shared about Beethoven’s life and how his music remains timeless because of its universality. Then he shared that Coldplay’s success is also, in part, due to the universal messages.

Throughout the concert, the music was blended in incredible ways. At times, the symphony played Beethoven’s music and the three uber-talented vocalists sang Coldplay songs that echoed Beethoven’s life experience. 

At other times, the music was recognizable Coldplay tunes, elevated by the orchestration. And then there were the moments were something completely new was created by blending Coldplay and Beethoven. I can’t even imagine the work that went into this experience and I’m so grateful for the devotion of all the artists involved.

Tears did indeed stream down my face* see the song of the week below* at the sheer bliss of letting all that creative force and sound vibration wash over me. What a gift. 

No matter how many times I listen to Coldplay’s Fix You, I am moved. Often to tears. 

It is so heart-wrenching in such an identifiable and resonant way. As I mentioned above, Coldplay has so many songs that touch on universal themes and this is certainly one of them. 

I recommend Fix You with all my heart. And if you’d like to see an exquisite dance that I can’t get enough of from So You Think You Can Dance to the same song, there’s a link below for that too.

Listen to Fix You by Coldplay on iTunes

Listen to Fix You by Coldplay on Spotify

Watch one of the all-time best So You Think You Can Dance pieces of choreography (to Fix You, of course) on YouTube

(The end makes me tear up every single time. The back story is that the piece is about the helplessness the choreographer felt as his mom went through an illness. Get your hankie!)