3 Nuggets from our Family Roadtrip

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2024

We’re enroute to our West Coast Trail adventure (on the trail on Friday) and so we spent Canada Day in the car making our way to the coast. (Not quite there yet, but close.)

Along the way, we played some games, laughed a lot, sang a huge variety of songs, and oohed and aahed at the mountains playing hide and seek through the clouds.

Here are three quick nuggets from day 1 of our adventure. 

Nugget 1

We got up at 5:30am so that we could avoid the Canada Day traffic heading out to the mountains. By 7:00am we made it out of the house and zoomed out into the rain. 

Here’s what we discovered. Travelling on a statutory holiday is amazing because… no construction! Although there were many construction spots, there was no action. Plus, it was a rainy kind of day so there was less traffic than we anticipated. 

Who knew that highway travel would be so great? Now we know. 

Nugget 2

We played a couple of games that you might enjoy should you have any travels on the horizon. 

Game 1 - You’ve probably played 20 questions. We made up our own version called Unlimited Questions. We just kept guessing and guessing until we got the right answer. For whatever reason, it was so fun and I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. It was great! Highly recommended.

Game 2 - Our daughter, Zoe, invented a second game. We each took turns speaking gibberish in different accents and everyone else had to guess which language/accent we were “speaking”. Also hilarious. 

I discovered that I was great at gibberish Italian but not good at all at Hawaiian. This is a great game to get everyone outside of their comfort zones so if growth is something you like as part of your fun, give it a try.

Nugget 3

Another fun thing that just sort of emerged was playing with our food. I spent the previous day in the kitchen preparing delectable treats for the road. 

While we were chowing down, I had the urge to make the green beans dance. My teens were mildly entertained (at least on the outside… on the inside I think they were thrilled)

Then, I dipped a cucumber in hummus and it looked like an amazing hairdo so I also carved a face. Of course, the little guy needed arms so I whittled out arm holes and stuck in some green beans. Needless to say, my creation had to dance as well. 

The cucumber guy was so well received that my son made one too. You can see it below. (By the way, we mostly take goofy pictures as a family which is why the kids look like that. Goofy pictures are way more fun.)

There you have it; three nuggets that might make your next trip a little more enjoyable. 

Next week, we’ll be in the midst of hiking the West Coast Trail with no reception and although I would love to connect with you, there won’t be any reception and obviously I’m not backpacking with a computer so I’ll be back in touch later in July. 

I hope you’re having a wonderful start to summer (or coming out of winter if you’re on the other side of the world) and I’m looking forward to sharing musings from our adventure with you. There will certainly be plenty of time for contemplation what with no phones, computers, or even books. 

Many blessings for fun and light in your life. 

With delightful love and effervescent courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Discovered that driving through the Rocky Mountains is a wonderful way to celebrate Canada Day

>All set with my 35lb backpack and intending a miraculously amazing and wonderful trip

Save the Dates

Are you in Calgary or area?

Are you free on August 3?

If yes, are you keen on deep transformation and monumental growth in just a couple of hours?

Some colleagues and I are hosting an in-person 9D Breathwork session and you’re invited.

More details will be available when I’m back from holidays but for now, mark your calendar for the evening of August 3. 

Not in Calgary?

This month’s virtual 9D Breathwork sessions will be Sunday July 21 and Monday July 29, both at 8am Pacific.

More details to follow and - great news - replays will be available for 48 hours following the sessions.

We’re at the final song of Oakley’s new album, Auburn. This week’s tune is called That’s What They Say

This song is so singable and just gorgeous. I have a happy memory of Oakley playing this song for a group of adult friends at a party and within one round of the chorus, everyone started singing along. Oh - the power of music. 

It brought tears to my eyes to hear everyone singing, “I just want you to be happy; I just want you to be loved.”

It’s available on all streaming platforms and here are the links for Spotify, Amazon Prime (Canada) and iTunes.

Listen to To Be Loved by Oakley Marlett on Spotify

Listen to To Be Loved by Oakley Marlett on iTunes

Listen to To Be Loved by Oakley Marlett on Amazon Prime
