When I considered this next bug story, there was a part of me that really didn’t want to...
Welcome to the fourth week of my musings on the unexpected self-care lessons I’ve learned...
Welcome to the third instalment of the Bug Series where I’m answering the age-old question:...
You may not think that bugs and self-care really go together (and I kind of wish they...
How do you feel about bugs? In my opinion… blechwalaugghh. (Translation: I don’t...
How do you feel about going to the dentist?
I’m not a fan. Although I spend a lot of time...
Last weekend, our family ventured out into a movie theatre to take in King Richard. It felt so...
Although I don’t have the documents in hand (because they are being mailed from the US and...
As I’ve worked with clients over the years, I’ve often heard them say things like:
- ...
Lest you’re under the impression that my life is constant angel song and Leave It to Beaver...
The ‘Strong Independent Woman’ idea has been coming up a lot lately in my life, so...
Happy New Year! I just love a fresh start, don’t you? The new tube of toothpaste always...
Maybe it's much too early in the game
Ah, but I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you...
It’s Monday! (Which you probably already knew.) Generally I show up on Tuesdays, but...
I have a story for you that involves rejection, detachment and a deep learning. I’ll also...
Last week, I excitedly told you about how Oakley (my son) got a role in an Olympic commercial....
In 2008, I was pregnant with baby number 2 and my daughter, Zoe, was close to 3 years old....
When my daughter, Zoe, was 2 or 3, we went on frequent outings to a local bakery that gave out...
As I did my Sacred Success Sunday Review the other day, I was reminded about what an amazing week...
Looking out the window, I see a bright blue sky, and big mature trees that have lost all their...
Do you know someone going through a cancer journey? I’ve worked with all sorts of clients...
The other day, I was making dinner and pasta was on the menu. I reached into our (spectacularly...
Every so often, I’m sharing my favourite Self-Care products with you, because I’ve...
For my Canadian friends, I hope you had a splendid and glorious Thanksgiving. At one point, we...