It feels like clarity is up right now. And that’s because when you have clarity, it makes...
So… you want to live your purpose, make a real contribution to the world and feel...
Back in the days of yore, my main gig was being a Norwex consultant. I taught people, very...
Have you seen/heard about the Home Edit? Let’s just say: I’m a fan. If you’re...
(If you’re opposed to the expression ‘for realz’, I have to say that I am too....
How are your boundaries?
If you’re anything like many of my clients, you’re...
I’ve been noticing a trend recently about fear and health and so I thought it might be...
What do you do when you’re feeling grumpy? Do you immediately make it try to go away and...
I hope you’ve had the most magnificent week. If you’re new to the Courageous...
A lot of people in my life often ask me: How do you get so much done? And stay so calm and happy?...
After I posted last week’s message, I realized how funny it was that I declared...
So, I’m boldly declaring that February is the month of Time, at least in the world of...
What labels do you put on yourself? What labels do you put on others?
I’ve been...
Last week, we discussed (or really it’s more that I told you… not a whole lot of...
In the last month, I’ve had many conversations with clients, potential clients and other...
I just love a fresh start, don’t you? I hope you’re enjoying the lightness and...
Emotional suppression is the root of pretty much all illness, dis-ease, chronic issues and...
Last week, we got into the spirit of Outrageous Gratitude and looked for the gifts of this Year...
Where I live, we’ve gone into lockdown again, similar to the restrictions we faced at the...
When my kids were little, we had a children’s book that seemed fairly simple and...
Have you ever had something happen where you knew you wanted to let it go, but try as you might,...
Funny story (followed by some philosophical musings).
Last week, I boldly declared that I was...
I’m reading this fantastic book I found in a Little Library, called the Story of Sushi (by...
Well, my daughter’s filming wrapped up last week, so now our lovely family is reunited and...