Happy Fresh Start & Recommended Resource
Jan 05, 2021I just love a fresh start, don’t you? I hope you’re enjoying the lightness and possibility that comes along with the beginning of a new year.
Next, I have to say thank you to every one who joined in the fun of the Year End Review and the Conscious New Years Celebration. Man were they good!!! And it was lovely to see your shining faces, even if they were on a screen.
This week, we’re going to do something a little different. Once in a while, very occasionally, I’ll recommend a resource that’s made an impact in my life. That’s what I want to do this week.
8 years ago, I came across a program called Your Year of Miracles that was being taught by Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman. I was pretty sure that I knew everything they were going to teach (hello dear ego!) but my heart nudged me to join anyway.
Good thing, because it revolutionized my life and I’ve been involved in Your Year of Miracles ever since.
Two years ago, Debra moved on, which made room for Dr Sue Morter and Lisa Garra, who now lead the program with Marci.
Here’s how my life has changed because of Marci, Dr Sue & Lisa:
- I learned what generosity really means and I’m now able to give and receive more fully
- I learned all about tithing, which played a major role in completely shifting my relationship with money and prosperity
- My confidence increased exponentially
- I learned about breathwork and the dramatic impact it has on making life increasingly awe-inspiring
- I wrote and published a book (which I had never intended to do) and now I’ve got 5 more on the way
- Many of my relationships got repaired and the ones that were already good evolved to epic
- I learned how to connect with Spirit, which has ensured that I never feel alone
- I was able to move gracefully through the loss of the first iteration of my business (Dance Ugly Dance Awkward) and use it as momentum to create something even more aligned (Courageous Self-Care)
- I used to be desperate to get coaching clients and now I have people contact me every week to work with me
- My life became a lot more enjoyable and infused with fun
Obviously, I want you to experience exponential growth in your life as well. Life in the Miracle Zone is… well… miraculous.
That’s why I’m sharing Marci, Dr Sue & Lisa’s free ebook resource with you, called The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life. The exercise on clearing out your space is worth it alone. Every time I’ve done the exercise, amazing things have happened (like the time I cleared out piles of old clothes and then found myself on the receiving end of a shopping spree at a high end boutique!)
If you’re looking for some concrete steps you can take to keep the freshness of the new year alive, click here to get your copy of the ebook. I think you’ll love it!
I’ll be back next week with concrete proof that self-care isn’t selfish. Until then, have a sparkly time in the possibility of the new year.
With oodles of love and caboodles(?) of courage,