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Yoga for Divine Alignment
BodyAwake® Yoga, created by Dr Sue Morter has some very powerful differences. By following the breath in the body, you'll find that you're more able to take inspired action off the mat. Your resistance will melt and your practical self-care will get easier with less effort. 
Get access to 3 new virtual classes/month plus all the recordings in the library so you can yoga as often as you like.
Try 30 days for free
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Personalized Private Yoga Classes 
Whether you've got an issue in your body or in your life, there's an asana for that!
Yoga is so much more than stretching. It's a powerful remedy for anything you improve, including relationships, money, career, mental well-being and more. Book a private session with Christina to get personalized guidance, either in person or on Zoom.
Sessions are 60 minutes for $150. Click the button to send an email request for a session. 
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Masterclass: How to Overcome Procrastination

Is procrastination enhancing your life? Probably not. Then why does it happen? You probably know what action you want to take but you don't know how to get yourself to do it, whether it's taking steps towards your big dreams, or just doing the little things that need to get done. It's not just about time management or motivation. It's about making shifts on the inside, especially to your mental self care. Get lifetime access to this 90 minute recorded masterclass to learn the strategic skills you can use to get into action-taking-mode for any project. 

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Masterclass: How to Get Crystal Clear & Take Inspired Action

So… you want to live your purpose, make a real contribution to the world and feel fulfilled while doing it, but you don’t feel like you have enough clarity to make a solid choice and so you stay stuck, wracked with doubt and uncertainty. And who wants to live there? Get lifetime access to the 90 minute recording to learn the exact steps to take to get more clarity and then put it into action so that you feel fulfilled and on purpose.

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Masterclass: How to Fit All Your Self-Care Practices into Your Day

Have you ever wondered how you’re supposed to get it all in? (work, family, nutrition, exercise, meditation, journaling, pets, community, etc, etc, etc) Sometimes, it can feel like self-care is just a whole other list of stuff to add to your already-packed day. In this class, you'll learn how to make self-care feel nourishing and nurturing rather than just extra items on your to-do list, what’s going to best serve you when it comes to self-care and what you can let go of so that you’re making the most impact with your time.

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The Soulful Time Management Solution

If you're always rushing from one thing to the next, you'll be in a perpetual state of low-grade chaos. Imagine feeling so grounded and confident that no matter what comes your way, you can handle it with grace and serenity. You'll learn how to do that and more in The Soulful Time Management Solution. 

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BEST Treatment 

Book a BEST/Spiritual BEST session (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) to easily shift subconscious beliefs and old programming into new patterns that support you in becoming the next best version of yourself. BEST is very helpful for getting stuck energy and emotions moving. In person or remote sessions available.

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Courageous Self-Care Resource Centre

Great mental self-care is about making daily choices that lead to a deep, rich, internal landscape. It can be challenging to access all the resources that you need like meditations, breathwork, embodiment practices and forgiveness work. The Courageous Self-Care Resource Center is the culmination of the best self-care practices from over a decade of research and implementation. It's an incredible online treasury where all you need to do is choose your self-care practice for the day, press play and follow along. 

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Sacred Success Sunday Review

Reduce overwhelm and improve your mental self-care by implementing regular conscious reflection in community. Learn how to use your mind to support you with the 5 elements we cover during our sessions: Pause, Reflect, Collect, Connect and Amplify. You'll become more organized and kinder to yourself simultaneously. Join the Sacred Success Sunday Review to reset your mind to unconditional self-love and plan your time more effectively. 

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