Ever since my kids started speaking, I've been recording funny and insightful things they've said.
I thought it would be fun to share them with you on my blog every Friday. Part of Courageous Self-Care is learning to lighten up, be more playful and laugh more often. My intention is to help you do that today, to get your weekend off to a great start.
This one comes from Zoë ( now 12) when she was 20 months old.
She knew hundreds of words and loved using them. Her memory was astonishing.
My parents, Omi & Grandpa, took her to the Calgary zoo, which was one of her favourite things to do.
Omi said, "Zoë, look at the goats."
Zoë said, "Ibex."
Omi went to check the sign. Indeed, they were ibex.
Next, they saw monkeys, according to Omi.
Zoë said to Omi, "Not monkeys-Macaqs!"
The sign confirmed it.
Later they went to see the hippos, who swam in an enclosure filled with fish.
Omi and Grandpa said, "Look at the fish, Zoë!"
Zoë said, "Tilapia."