Peacock Day: Questions Answered

Yesterday, I sent out a post about our family practice called Peacock Day. I had some questions come in and so I thought I would answer them today. (I can't tell you how lovely it is to receive questions, because it means that people are reading my writing. I'm so happy to answer questions!)

When we first started doing Peacock Days, we would do one a week, on Fridays. I scheduled them into our calendar to keep track. It looked something like this:

October 6: Paul

October 13: Christina

October 20: Zoë

October 27: Oakley

Makes sense, right?

We maintained that schedule diligently for over a year.

Nowadays, we don't do them every Friday. We do them mostly on Sunday mornings when we have a bit more time and we don't do them every week.

I have a recent experience to share with you about how powerful our Peacock Days continue to be.

The other day, I was getting ready for the Speakers Club that I facilitate and I had left it to the last minute. There were two talks I was supposed to give and I hadn't written either one. I was stressed.

I sat down at the dinner table and my perceptive kids asked me what was up. I told them that I was feeling stressed about my unplanned talks and Oakley, who is 9 said, "Everyone, please stop talking. I'm going to ring our meditation bowl." 

We have a Tibetan bowl on our table that we ring and then everyone takes a breath. He rang it and started chanting OM... We all joined in and I felt quite a bit better.

Then, he said, "I think Mommy needs a Peacock Day." He, Paul and Zoë all took turns giving me acknowledgment and by the end, my whole mindset had shifted.

I thought it was so sweet and perceptive of Oakley to notice my energy and then to know how to shift it.

The Power of the Peacock Day!
