Care to Retreat in Panama?

Sep 17, 2024

Around 10 years ago, I knew that I wanted to facilitate retreats. Such major transformation had happened for me when I went on retreats that I felt a deep longing to create that for others. 

Just one little itty-bitty thing got in the way. 


To get my feet wet, I hosted a few local retreats and those were fantastic. Rave reviews, in fact. (From everyone except for one woman. She left early. The other participants said they wished they could have beaten her up - so I think that was a her-thing and not a me-thing. Within three months, I was fully recovered from that experience.)

I knew I wanted to go bigger. 

So I booked a retreat in Costa Rica. Put down $1000 deposit (which was more like $8757 Canadian). Felt terrified. 

And then I told exactly no one. Apparently the fear of rejection was greater than the fear of losing $1000/$8757. 

Time went by and I grew some more courage. 

Next up… Hawaii. I decided to go big or go home. I booked 2 retreats for the same year. If one didn’t work, probably two would be better, right? Put down way more than $1000. Guess what year it was?

2020. Oof. 

The retreats didn’t happen for obvious reasons. I was even all geared up to invite people. Oh well. So long money!

That’s brings us up to the present. And my big announcement. (See how I’ve grown? I’m going to tell you about it!)

I’m co-hosting a retreat in Panama with two lovely colleagues and friends next spring. (See how I’ve grown? I’m not trying to do it all alone!)

Some exciting reasons to join us:

1-It’s at a stunning boutique resort near a little town called David with ocean, river, jungle and all sorts of gorgeousness. Nature has really outdone herself here. 

2- You will not have to prepare meals, clean up after anyone, or take care of anyone else’s needs for a full week. Hallelujah.

3- This retreat is all about transformation. There will be joyful healing, connecting with like-minded women and reveling (or revelling - take your pick as both are correct) in nature. 

4- Daily yoga! 9D Breathwork! Adventure days! Healing sessions!

5- It will be the perfect blend of opportunities for personal and spiritual growth mixed in with lots of relaxing free time. 

6- It’s called Igniting Your Inner Oasis and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. 

7- Unplugging is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. When’s the last time you gave yourself the gift of going offline for a full week?

8- Gathering in person - there’s just no substitute. 

9- Fun! Playfulness! Lightness of being! 

10- Fresh, local, nourishing food prepared and served by a loving staff. (And no clean up! Can you tell I’m excited about that part?)

If you know you want to join us or feel curious to learn more, here’s the link to the lovely brochure I created for you. 

Panama Retreat Information

If that doesn’t work (because, you know... technology...), click here

Of course, if you have any questions, let me know. We actually just a have a handful of spots left so if you want to join us, carpe diem.

To courage, growth and evolution!

With great love and blossoming courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>never imagined I would be going to Panama!

>my next book is almost ready! More on that sometime soon. *The cover makes me laugh every time I look at it. 

PS - Tonight is the BEST Remote Healing Open House. Join us live or access the replay for 48 hours by registering here.

PPS - The 3/4 Year Review is later this month. You’ll be amazed by what you’ve accomplished this year when you take time to pause and reflect. Click here to learn more.

PPPS - Fear isn’t all that fun, as evidenced by the 10 years it took me to invite you to a retreat. Imagine if I would have known about 9D Breathwork. I could have already hosted 10 retreats by now.  What dreams are you not achieving? Transcend your fears in 2 hours instead of a decade. Click here for details on the upcoming 9D Breathwork session.