9D Breathwork Journeys

Ready to transform your life?


How to be better at everything you do

  • Make stress your friend, not your enemy 
  • Generate more energy 
  • Maintain your inner peace 


As simple as that sounds, most people are not able to do that. Until now.


You Can Free Yourself

  • from limiting beliefs
  • from past trauma
  • from stuck emotions
  • from living a small life
  • from a lack of clarity and purpose

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

9D Breathwork is a powerful transformative practice that transcends conventional methods of healing. It combines breathwork, somatic techniques, subliminal hypnotic therapy, and personalized guided coaching, and so much more.

Multiple Journeys Options

  • Abundance
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Letting Go
  • Healing Ancestral Lines
  • Full Reset
  • Transcending Fear
  • Reconnecting with your Inner Child
  • and more

I'm Christina Marlett

I'm passionate about sacred transformation and sharing what works. 

Prior to learning about 9D, I'd done lots of breathwork journeys and had great results. 
I had such a strong intuition about 9D that I signed up to get certified without even doing a journey.

Once I did, I knew that I'd made a super choice. 9D Breathwork is unparalleled. During one of my first journeys, I felt my grandparents forgiving each other and their parents. I even got the sense that my DNA was changing. 

I'm so excited for you to experience profound shifts as well!

"That is the singular most transformational experience I have ever had in my entire life…”


"I just counted since my childhood I’ve done about 3315hours of yoga/meditation/breathwork.. Be it attending trainings, teaching or attending classes or self practice and of all these beautiful experiences and modalities that has to be one of the most powerful. Thank you.”

- Sonya

"I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing journey, I have truly never felt anything like it and it has woken up my true self that was buried deep inside.

- Dylan

9D Breathwork Journey Options

Upcoming Live Events - Calgary


Experience collective energy

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Upcoming Virtual Events


From the comfort of your home

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1:1 Personal Journey


Live or Virtual - Your choice

Book a Session

This Month's Virtual Sessions

September Journey

Transcending Fear

The Transcending Fear breathwork journey is tailor-made for individuals who are prepared to confront and overcome their profound anxieties and fears.

Perfect for those seeking a deeper exploration of resilience, this experience offers insights that transform one's perspective on fear.

If you're looking to face life's challenges with newfound courage, this is for you.

Common Outcomes:

  • Transformation of Fear Perception: Delve deep into a new understanding, viewing fear not as an adversary but as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
  • Reprogramming of Deep-Seated Beliefs: Overturn old narratives around fear, replacing them with empowering convictions that champion growth and forward movement. 
  • Mastery Over Mindset: Become more resilient and able to turn challenges into opportunities.
  • Leverage of Fear for Positive Benefit: Cultivate an ability to harness your fears, using them as tools to propel you towards your dreams and aspirations.
  • Redefinition of Personal Boundaries: Break free from limiting beliefs, expanding your horizons and embracing a life filled with possibility and potential.
  • Elevated Confidence and Self-Belief: Ignite a renewed trust in oneself, establishing a foundation for actions driven by courage, purpose, and conviction.
Transcending Fear Journey Options

Choose your date

Date: Monday September 23

Time: 8am Pacific/ 9am Mountain/ 10am Central/ 11am Eastern

Length: 2 hours

Where: on Zoom

Investment: $75 CAD/$60 USD 

Replay available for 48 hours following the broadcast 

Click here to register (CAD)

Click here to register (USD)


Date: Sunday September 29 

Time: 8am Pacific/ 9am Mountain/ 10am Central/ 11am Eastern

Length: 2 hours

Where: on Zoom

Replay available for 48 hours following the broadcast

Investment: $75 CAD/$60 USD 

Click here to register (CAD)

Click here to register (USD)