3 Weird Reasons I Don’t Get Exhausted

Dec 30, 2024

Happy End of the Year!

I’m popping in a day early. Surprise! 

Last week, I shared about over-committing myself. And here’s an interesting observation.

I was out with a friend recently and she said, “How was your Christmas? Are you exhausted?”

I could tell that she was. I quickly assessed the past week and then replied, “No! Not at all. I make the holidays super easy for myself.”

After our visit, on my walk home, I reflected a little more on exhaustion and - it’s true - I’m not exhausted and I rarely, if ever, feel that way. Of course, it hasn’t always been that way. I used to feel exhausted on a regular basis.

Over time, I realized that the exhausted lifestyle wasn’t working for me and so I made changes and starting implementing practices I learned.

There are many things I do that help me not feel exhausted and for brevity’s sake, I narrowed it down to the top 3 things that keep me energized. They might seem a little weird but they work.

Weird Reason I Don’t Get Exhausted #1

I don’t rely on just my body’s energy. I tap into the energy of the Universe. (See? I said it was weird.)

It’s helpful to start with the fact that everything is made of energy. Our bodies are energy, everything in nature is energy, your phone and computer are energy and it’s all vibrating at different speeds which impact density.

We won’t go any further down the metaphysical path today. Suffice it to say that there’s always more energy available out there, especially if your body is feeling drained. 

How do you get this Universal energy to run through your system? 

Conscious breathing! As often as possible, I’m conscious breathing throughout the day. If you know about Central Channel Breathing, that’s what I’m doing as I go about my activities. If you don’t know about it, belly breathing is a great place to start. 

So that’s the first thing you can do to feel more energized. Breathe with awareness and the intention that you are filling your body with Universal energy because it’s infinite. There’s always more than enough energy. You just have to invite it into your body.

Weird Reason I Don’t Get Exhausted #2

I feel my emotions.

Emotions are energy and they’re meant to flow through us, like the weather. However, many people don’t know how to help them move through or they have a fear (often subconscious) of feeling them.

As a result, those emotions get suppressed. Emotions are persistent little fellas and so they keep trying to get your attention. Pain -whether physical or emotional- is an effective way to do that. We tend to notice pain; it’s quite captivating. 

Exhaustion is also quite noticeable. Do you know what’s really exhausting though? Suppressing emotions! It takes a ton of energy to avoid them. 

Think of it like a crowd of little kids chasing you. They have endless energy and won’t give up. You, on the other hand, will tire out eventually. Running away is hard work.

If you would just turn around and pay attention to each little kid in the crowd and give them a hug, guess what? They would feel acknowledged and loved and then they would be on their way. The chase would be over.

It’s the same thing with emotions. When we turn and face them, they melt and get integrated. No more energy needed to keep running away. Phew! What a relief.

So how do we feel the feelings? It’s worth saying that we certainly don’t take them out on others. That’s like picking up one of the little kids from the chase and throwing them at someone else. No one wins in that situation. 

The most expedient, powerful, and effective way of feeling the feelings and honouring them is somatic breathwork, at least in my experience. If you devote 90 minutes a couple of times a month to getting uncomfortable and inviting the suppressed emotions to move through… everything changes. 

Our good ol’ breath. It’s such a powerful secret hidden right inside of us. 

We’re doing a year end breathwork journey later today. If you’re up for a full reset and want to bring closure to this interesting (and maybe challenging) year, check out the Recommends section below ⬇️.

Weird Reason I Don’t Get Exhausted #3

Okay, this reason is not quite so weird. It’s more obvious, but that doesn’t mean people do it. 

I have a regular practice of pausing and reflecting.

I used to be the kind of high achiever who barrelled through life, accomplishing one thing and then immediately saying, “What’s next?” with a somewhat frantic air. 

That didn’t work out so well. The only pauses I took were watching TV (which was one of two self-care strategies I had at the time that wasn’t really effective - at all) or when I would get a monthly massage (that I slept through, which was so disappointing).

Then I learned about the power of the pause. It’s so valuable to stop and reflect on how on:

⭐️ how you want to be living your life

⭐️ your top values

⭐️ how you show up each day

⭐️ whether you’re living in alignment with your vision for yourself

⭐️ what you’re grateful for

⭐️ how you’ve grown

I’ve built regular pauses into my life. They include:

⭐️ a daily gratitude and wins journal so that I can celebrate myself and my wonderful life

⭐️ weekly reviews where I check in with all areas of my life to see what’s working and what I can shift

⭐️ quarterly reviews to get a bird’s eye view of my progress and growth

⭐️ a beginning of the year visioning session and a year end review to gather all the goodness

⭐️ a conscious new year’s celebration to close out the year through powerful and meaningful rituals (we’re doing this celebration tomorrow! See the Recommends section below ⬇️)

I can’t recommend the pause and reflection approach enough. It’s a secret and little-known antidote to exhaustion.

So, I hope that’s helpful for you. You don’t need to live your life feeling drained and exhausted. We’re always at choice and the solutions are right there inside of you. 

Wishing you a reflective and celebrational end of the year where you gather all the good and acknowledge your fantastic self. 

With glowing love and sacred courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>now able to stay awake for every massage

>so excited for 2025; I love new things!


As mentioned above, we’re doing two powerful events to wrap up the year and set you up for the best year yet.

Event #1: 9D Breathwork Session - Today! (but if you can’t attend live the replay will be available for a week)

Full Reset - it’s SO GOOD!

This revitalizing journey acts as a cornerstone for sustained growth and recovery, fortifying the emergence of your genuine self. Welcome deep-seated freedom, augmenting your existence with renewed intent and boundless potential. It’s the perfect antidote to exhaustion and overwhelm. You’ll leave feeling deeply peaceful and buoyant.

Click here for details and registration info


Event #2: Conscious New Years Celebration 

Celebrate the year end in a conscious way where we tune into the inner world, value the sacred, and move forward into the new year with intention and clarity.

It’s in the morning (at least in North America) so you have plenty of time for any other celebrating you might be doing.

Click here for details and registration info


Since this song has been in my head for the last few days, and it’s timely, I’m recommending What Are You doing New Year’s Eve by Ella Fitzgerald. It’s so smooth and I never tire of Ella’s voice. It’s like velvet. 

Happy New Year! May 2025 be your best year yet.